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At the beginning of 2024, we created an independent commission to check the quality of work performed and customer service in the salon. This system makes it possible to regulate and improve the work process, protecting the interests of clients. This is a group of independent anonymous experts who are able to influence the work of PGC salons in all directions.

The system works in such a way that the client can completely anonymously leave their wishes, complaints or praise for a specific incident or employee, and the committee checks these facts, and after confirming the situation, it is subject to an immediate, fair response.
After the conclusion of the commission, the client will receive information about the results and measures taken.

This is a completely new approach to animal services that is always on the client’s side.
The commission does not accept rudeness and unprofessionalism in the lounge, so any discrepancies between employees or the entire system will be subject to criticism and changes. This will lead to better discipline and satisfaction of all clients.
As a result, depending on the severity of the situation, the employee may be counseled, reprimanded, fined or even fired.
In case of commendation, the employee may be given a bonus or increase in status among the employees.
You can be sure that not one of your complaints or compliments will go unanswered.

The advantage of this innovative system is that it allows you to share your experience anonymously and you are guaranteed to get help. At the same time, the party you are complaining about will never find out about it, and you can visit our salon with confidence that the current situation will never happen again.

We will always be on your side!

Complaint form