- +420 774 665 584
- info@strihanipsu-teplice.cz
About us
PetGrooming Company
We are a PetGrooming Company and we started our professional activity in the Czech Republic in 2015 in Prague, where our first pet salon was opened. But if we’re not just talking about the Czech Republic, we’ve been working with animals all our lives.
We are a team of professionals who work together for the well-being of you and your pets. All our groomers are not only experienced professionals who can handle work of any difficulty, but many of them also have a basic veterinary education. Our team also includes a zoopsychologist and a cynologist. By coming to us, you entrust your pet to people who are experienced experts in their field. You don’t have to worry that your beloved tails are in danger of any harm, but on the contrary, it will be a visit that will be beneficial and joyful.
With us, you don’t have to be in control of the situation and worry about your pet’s well-being during grooming, because PetGrooming Company stands for reliability, professionalism and prestige.
Tested by time and hundreds of clients.
Satisfied clients
Years of experience
Happy pets
Let us take care
about your pets!
We opened a dog and cat salon in Teplice at the end of 2023 and now enjoy the company of great local clients and their animals. The city of Teplice is wonderful, full of good and decent people, where apparently our services were sorely lacking.
In parallel with our work, we try to participate in charity events for the Ústí Region and whenever possible, we help children and animals.
In our work, we use only high-quality, tested materials, professional tools and preparations and cosmetics intended for animals. We try to ensure that the effect of our procedures is always long-lasting and that each of our new clients becomes our permanent client. This effort of ours leads to unequivocal success and a high rating among similar services in the Czech Republic.
Our goal has never been to make more money, but to see as many happy faces and beautiful groomed dog and cat fur as possible. We’re trying to make this world a better place, at least from the side we’re pros at.
Don’t put off your pet’s needs for tomorrow, because the quality and length of their life largely depends on you.
PetGrooming in Teplice it is also:
- a large comfortable hotel for animals,
- free consultation center for all pet matters,
- assistance in completing documentation related to animals,
- a kennel for exotic hairless cats, where you can reserve and buy a Don Sphynx or Ukrainian Levkoy kitten,
- Zoo Taxi and much more.

Salon PetGrooming Teplice
Our services
We provide comprehensive services at a professional level for dogs and cats supported by patience and love for animals. Our work is a pleasure for us and we will be happy to welcome you with open arms full of services for your pet.
Cat grooming
Grooming cats is a way to get rid of the ubiquitous fur
Teeth cleaning
Teeth cleaning with an ultrasonic brush is performed on all breeds of dogs and cats
Ozone therapy
Ozone-oxygen therapy for the comprehensive recovery of the animal's entire body
Our team

Valeriia Bartysh
Managing all business categories of PetGrooming Company s.r.o.
She has a higher education in psychology, completed a master's degree, and studied animal psychology as part of the curriculum. She is engaged in breeding hairless cat breeds and is the chairman of the cat club. Over 20 years of experience working with animals. Her Pet - Don Sphynx Irvin.

Anzhela Salogub
co-owner | groomer
Leading groomer of the company, co-owner, teacher of grooming courses, junior veterinary specialist by education. Over 40 years of experience working with animals. Co-owner of the Boucheron* CZ hairless cattery. She is the owner of a white Pomeranian Spitz, Chantal, and a cat of the Don Sphynx breed, Masha.
She has dedicated and continues to devote her entire life to the welfare of animals.

Elena Melnychuk
Walking and training with dogs.
She has a higher education in psychology and completed her master's degree, she has also studied animal psychology and has extensive experience working with animals. Personal assistant to Valeria Bartysh. Owner of two corgis and a Scottish cat.
Favorite Quote:
"There is only one thing in the world that money cannot buy—the wagging of a dog's tail!" Josh Billings

Inna Severenchuk
Groomer of the first salon in Teplice. Higher education, Faculty of Natural History and Chemistry. Experience as a groomer for more than 2 years, experience working with animals for more than 10 years. Performs the functions of a groomer, delivers and distributes animals, at the same time works in a hotel for animals, care of animals, and is responsible for the safety and well-being of animals. Her Pet - West Highland White Terrier Jerry.

Michail Zhmurko
A practicing cynologist with 20 years of experience, he simultaneously studied veterinary medicine as a junior veterinary specialist. Freelancer and corporate consultant. He has vast experience and knowledge in the canine field. He compiles individual programs to solve the behavior problems of each dog. In his practice, he pays a lot of attention to the socialization of dogs. Works independently and with groups.
Also can prepare dogs for exhibitions and act as a handler.

Katerina Dobrenka
Master of Cynology, with a diploma confirmed in the Czech Republic, work experience of more than 4 years. She is a freelance employee and advisor to the company. The main direction of her work is adjusting the behavior of dogs. She quickly achieves the desired results, loves dogs since childhood, and is ready to work for days to achieve the desired effect. Pet - Belgian Shepherd Malinois Mia.
How our clients evaluate us

Zhanna Boyko
Pokud si myslíte, že nikdo kromě vás nebude milovat vašeho mazlíčka, mýlíte se!
Byla jsem mile překvapena, když jsem navštívila salon, který se otevřel v Teplicích. Tým profesionálů, kteří svou práci dělají s velkou láskou ke zvířatům a respektem ke klientům. Všechna naše přání, která jsme vyslovili, byla splněna!!! Děkuji mnohokrát .
Přeji vám úspěch a vděčné zákazníky💜💜

Irena Korneeva
Svého psa beru od 1 roku do týmu PetGrooming a vždy jsme měli skvělé služby a zkušenosti. Dámy jsou velmi starostlivé a zdvořilé. Vidíte, že milují psy a co je důležitější, milují to, co dělají. Využíváme jak jejich stříhání, tak hotel pro psy. Můžete si být jisti, že váš pes bude v dobrých rukou a dohledu a na dovolené se nebudete bát, protože si svého pejska vyzvednete naprosto spokojeného!

Igor Kostyuk
Jsem naprosto nadšený z výsledku naší návštěvy tohoto grooming salonu. Naše čivava vypadá úžasně, a práce, kterou provedli, je prostě bezchybná. Personál byl velmi profesionální a ochotný, a celková atmosféra byla velmi přátelská. Určitě se sem vrátíme a doporučíme tento salon všem našim přátelům se psy. Děkujeme vám!