Teeth cleaning

Čištění zubů ultrazvukovým kartáčkem

Teeth cleaning with an ultrasonic brush

Teeth cleaning with an ultrasonic brush is performed for dogs of all breeds, as well as for cats. A stress-free procedure that allows you to clean even the most neglected teeth. We remind you that this is not a treatment for dental diseases, it is a preventive measure. Cleaning the teeth of a dog or cat is necessary for the hygiene of the animal’s mouth, important for the health of the whole body and also for immunity. Tartar, thick plaque and inflamed gums, harmful bacteria and toxins that enter the animal’s stomach and blood, bad breath and, as a result, premature loss of teeth – all these are the consequences of insufficient or improper care of the pet’s teeth.
Teeth cleaning with an ultrasonic brush is procedure takes up to 1 hour, is well tolerated by all animals, is silent and does not require anesthesia. After the first cleaning, the teeth immediately whiten and the unpleasant smell disappears. The effect lasts six months, sometimes longer.

Benefits of brushing your teeth with an ultrasonic toothbrush

Our experts

All our groomers are not only experienced professionals who can handle work of any difficulty, but many of them also have a basic veterinary education. Our team also includes a zoopsychologist and a cynologist. By coming to us, you entrust your pet to people who are experienced experts in their field.

člen týmu - Anzhela
Anzhela Salogub
co-owner | groomer
Leading groomer of the company, co-owner, teacher of grooming courses, junior veterinary specialist by education. Over 40 years of experience working with animals. Co-owner of the Boucheron* CZ hairless cattery. She is the owner of a white Pomeranian Spitz, Chantal, and a cat of the Don Sphynx breed, Masha. She has dedicated and continues to devote her entire life to the welfare of animals.
člen týmu - Inna
Inna Severenchuk
Groomer of the first salon in Teplice. Higher education, Faculty of Natural History and Chemistry. Experience as a groomer for more than 2 years, experience working with animals for more than 10 years. Performs the functions of a groomer, delivers and distributes animals, at the same time works in a hotel for animals, care of animals, and is responsible for the safety and well-being of animals. Her Pet - West Highland White Terrier Jerry.